Paralysis is the loss of muscle movements and coordination in some parts of the body or half of the body (right or left). Sudden reduction in blood circulation to a portion of brain tissue ends up in loss of brain function. Reduced blood supply may be due to either hemorrhage (rupture of the blood vessel) or due to clotting of blood in blood vessels.
Accidents and people with high blood pressure and hypertension disorders can all cause paralysis. Blood vessel strokes are thought to be the most common cause of paralysis.
These are the alarming symptoms of paralysis which may last for a few hours to very few minutes and will disappear soon. Even if the symptoms fade off soon, seek medical help quickly, as it may lead to complete paralysis. Apart from all these symptoms, unused parts of the body (viz., limbs) will end up in loss of strength, size and flexibility of the muscle which is called muscle wasting in medical terms. This condition is called atrophy. Hence, patients affected by this disease should always attempt to do some physical activity.
Patience and assurance is the first line of treatment, which plays a major role in speedy recovery. Early intervention of the ayurvedic treatment gives maximum results. Apart from other treatment modalities, undoubtedly ayurvedic treatment for Paralysis stands first for the best possible recovery in paralytic condition. Fortunately, muscle and brain functions can be regenerated by panchakarma programs and rehabilitator measures.
Unique treatment like abhyangam and spastics shali panda swedham helps to bring back the strength and energy to the affected limb. Special local regimens like shirodhara, shiro−vasti, nasyam will bring back the strength and neuro−muscular function. They even clear the channels by expelling the toxins and clear the blockage causing mood−swings and depression in patients. Mood changes are due to damage of the brain tissue, which cannot be controlled by the person.As abnormal movement of vata is the main factor to this disease, basti is the best panchakarma treatment for paralysis to bring back the movement of vata to normalcy. Internal medication like tablets, lehyams, kashayams are to be taken for several months for further improvement. Along with the medication, at−most support from the family members and strong will power of the patient is of prime importance. Following the diet instructed by the ayurveda doctor and practicing yoga and meditation will further improve the state of the person.
So, in order to remove the Vata Dosha from the body, Star Ayurveda Hospital offers a particular ayurveda treatment for paralysis in which everything from lifestyle to diet is handled by Ayurvedic professionals. At any point in your life, paralysis can infect any part of your body. However, if you have it, you will most likely not feel any pain in the affected locations. Our treatment strategy and outlook for the illness will be determined by the underlying cause of paralysis as well as the patient's symptoms. Our ayurveda doctors for paralysis in Hyderabad will help you preserve your health and quality of life by using ayurvedic drugs for paralysis and therapeutic treatments. The Ayurvedic term for paralysis is Pakshavata or ekanga vata. Any movement in the body including the nerve impulse is due to vata. Obstruction to such vata leads to this disease. Depending on the affected body parts, its nomenclature differs−
Click the following link to book a free consultation for the Paralysis Treatment in Ayurveda at the Best Ayurvedic Hospital in hyderabad.
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