Psoriasis occurs when the immune system overreacts causing prolonged inflammation of skin. This condition is neither infectious (do not spread from person to person) nor does it affect their general health. Psoriasis is quite a common disease affecting around 20% of the population although people with very mild symptoms may not be aware they have it. Psoriasis can arise at any age of 20 − 60 years and for both genders.
Causes of Psoriasis:
1. hereditary − 60% is both parents affected.
2. Trauma − cuts, bruises, burns.
3. Environmental factor/climatic changes
4. Emotional stress
5. Fast foods − filly, spicy, sour food
6. Smoking, alcohol
7. Consuming opposite food (diary products)
8. Controlling natural urges − vomiting, urination, bowel
Ayurvedic treatment for psoriasis can help with a variety of skin sensitivities, diseases, and even fatal problems that strike some people. Fortunately, psoriasis may be handled with appropriate Ayurvedic treatment, which varies on the degree of worry sensitivity. Psoriasis can be co−related to kitiba kusta as per ayurveda, caused by vitiation of vata and kapha doshas. The vitiated doshas affect the skin and blood tissue. It takes 27 days for skin to replace itself with new matured skin cells. But the region of skin affected by psoriasis replaces itself within 3−4 days with plenty of immature skin cells forming thick psoriatic patches.
Ayurvedic treatment primarily focuses on blood purifications and balancing the vitiated doshas.
The Star Ayurveda provides effective ayurvedic therapies for psoriasis. Our skilled Ayurvedic doctors and practitioners have years of expertise helping people improve and manage their health while conquering a variety of health issues. External and internal methods are used in the Ayurvedic treatment for Skin Disease to speed up the natural healing process. While studies show that psoriasis cannot be completely cured, different herbal remedies can help purify the blood, allowing the condition to be managed more successfully. Click the following link to book a free appointment for an Ayurvedic treatment for Psoriasis at the Best Ayurvedic Hospital in hyderabad.
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