Ancient science, Ayurveda evolved in India with the holistic approach towards many ailments and their treatment. Ayurveda believes, to land up in a disease Pragnaparadha (mistakes done with consciousness) is one of the major cause. Ayurveda deals with all the Urdva jatrugata rogas (diseases above shoulder) with a special Branch of medicine called SHALAKYA TANTRA.To combat with such ailments Dr.Manjari Rajesh at Star Ayurveda gives you solution.
* Age group prone to ENT disorders:
Ayurveda says the sthana (place) of Khapha (one of the dosha) is above the shoulder. Kapha dosha is predominanat in early ages of life ie., Childhood.Hence most of the ENT disease occurs in this age group. Most common being Tonsillitis (Tundikeri) , Adenitis, Rhinitis (prathishyaya), Nasal Polyp (nasa arshas) Otitis media (Krimi Karma / Karna shula), Eustachian Catarrh, Dental caries,
As one grows older, exposure to pollution and negligence towards the disease leads to . Common ENT diseases like Sinusitis (Dusta Prathishyaya), Allergic Rhinitis, Tinnitus ( karma nadha), Deafness (badirya),tooth sensitivity, Bleeding / spongy gums, mouth ulcers (stomatitis),
Cold, cough, Headache, Heaviness of the forehead and eyes, Sneezing, Watering eyes, itchy nose and eyes, Short breath, Nose Block, Snoring, Ear pain, Pus discharge from nose or ear, Bad breath, Dysphagia (difficulty in swallowing), Red eyes, Nose Bleeding, Tinnitus ( unusual sounds heard) Dryness of mouth, teeth sensitive to hot / cold food,are the most common symptoms of ENT disorders. Hence diagnosing the disease is difficult and but it is very critical and important. Negligence of a symptom will lead to Dreadful disease.
* Causes end up in ENT diseases?
Noise Pollution, Smoke, dust, cold water bath in winter, mobile phones, nose picking, cleaning the ear with sharp objects, forceful blowing of nose, exposure to cold, speaking with a loud pitch, always on earphones, exposure to hot sun, cold breeze, afternoon sleep, mosquito coils, strong aromas, brushing teeth for long time,
Having ice-creams, preserved juices, yogurt, spicy and sour food, non-veg, dark chocolates,alcohol, smoking, fast foods, reheated food, pickles, unseasoned fruits,
Teachers, factory workers, drivers are susceptible to ENT diseases.
* How will Ayurveda treat these diseases ?
For most of the ENT diseases, Shodhana Chikitsa (panchakarma) is must.
One of the Panchakarma (5 set of treatment) is NASYA Karma Ie.., installation of the medicated oil into the nostrils in drops. This brings out the doshas from the shiras (head and face) clears the shrothas (channels / capillaries), helps in good absorption of the medication given in later stages of the treatment. This procedure is also beneficial in NASA ROGAS (diseases of nose). Improves the sense of smell, cures sinusitis, allergic rhinitis, headache, snoring. By this treatment use of inhalers can also be stopped.
Best treatment for Karna (ears) except in rupture of Tympanic membrane, is called ‘KARNA PURANA & KARNA DHOOPANA’, which does oleation & sudation at a time. This will bring down the pain in ears; improve the hearing capacity & cures Tinnitus.
For Mouth and Throat related diseases - Kavala & Gandusha are the best treatment modalities. Improves perception of taste,cures bad breath, sensitivity of teeth, Bleeding gums,dryness of mouth.
Ayurveda is not only helping the Human race to get rid of the diseases, but also helping to improve the quality of life since ages.
Dr. Manjari Rajesh,
Ayurveda consultant,
Star Ayurveda.
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STAR AYURVEDA - Represents the tradition ayurveda at their highest level in the classical texts of this science.
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